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 Turbo Compressor v0.1 - File Archiver  Toupao Chieng 01.01.90

Простая программа для упаковки и распаковки нескольких файлов в один архив.
This is a simple file compression program written in Turbo Pascal 5.5. The program does no more than compress and decompress files. But this is a good way of starting and learning how the file compression is done.


{ Turbo Compressor ver 0.1 } { by Toupao Chieng } { Dec 31, 1990, 3:27pm } program TCCompress(Input, Output); (* This is a simple file compression program written in Turbo Pascal 5.5. The program does no more than compress and decompress files. But this is good way of starting and learning how file compression is done in Pascal (for beginning programmers who are interested in how a program works, like me!). Notes: *The program is kind of slow, but it works. It also can't store all the files in a single archive like PKZIP or PKPAK. *The compression is not so great either!... *There is no display indicator, so don't assume your system is lock if your compressing/decompressing big files. Others: *Bug reports are also welcome to the author... (Toupao Chieng, Clovis West High School Computer Club.) Have fun... *) uses Dos; const NumOfChars = 256; NumOfSyms = NumOfChars + 1; MaxFreq = 16383; Adaptive: Boolean = True; CodeValueBits = 16; EOFSymbol = NumOfChars + 1; BufSize = $A000; HdrLen: Integer = 32; FreqTable: array [0..NumOfSyms + 1] of Word = (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 124, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1236, 1, 21, 9, 3, 1, 25, 15, 2, 2, 2, 1, 79, 19, 60, 1, 15, 15, 8, 5, 4, 7, 5, 4, 4, 6, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 24, 15, 22, 12, 15, 10, 9, 16, 16, 8, 6, 12, 23, 13, 11, 14, 1, 14, 28, 29, 6, 3, 11, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 491, 85, 173, 232, 744, 127, 110, 293, 418, 6, 39, 250, 139, 429, 446, 111, 5, 388, 375, 531, 152, 57, 97, 12, 101, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); type BufPtr = ^Buffer; Buffer = array [1..BufSize] of Byte; CodeValue = Longint; FileRecPtr = ^FileRec; FileRec = record Name: String [14]; Next: FileRecPtr; end; var CharToIndex: array [0..NumOfChars] of Integer; IndexToChar: array [0..NumOfSyms + 1] of Integer; CumFreq: array [0..NumOfSyms] of Integer; OrigFileSize, ByteCnt: Real; IFile, OFile: File; EOFile, Decompression: Boolean; InBufPtr, OutBufPtr: BufPtr; Symbol, InBufCnt,InBufPos, OutBufPos: Word; BitBuffer, BitsToGo: Byte; Low, High: Codevalue; BitsToFollow, FileIndex, TopValue, FirstQrtr, Half, ThirdQrtr: Longint; FileListHead, FP: FileRecPtr; Int, FileCount, HdrCnt: Integer; Ch, GarbageBits, Bite: Byte; Mode: Char; OutFileName, Header: String; Value: CodeValue; procedure BuildList(FParam: String); var FP: FileRecPtr; S: String; SR: SearchRec; begin FindFirst(FParam, AnyFile, SR); while DosError = 0 do begin New(FP); FP^.Name := SR.Name; FP^.Next := FileListHead; FileListHead := FP; Inc(FileCount); FindNext(SR); end; end; { BuildList } procedure LoadFiles; var I: Integer; begin FileListHead := nil; FileCount := 0; for I := 1 to ParamCount do BuildList(ParamStr(I)); if FileListHead = nil then begin Writeln(^G'No matching files found.'); Halt; end else begin if Decompression then Writeln(FileCount, ' file(s) to decompress.') else Writeln(FileCount,' file(s) to compress.'); end; end; { LoadFiles } function Exist(FileName: String): Boolean; var Inf: SearchRec; begin FindFirst(FileName, AnyFile, Inf); Exist := (DosError = 0); end; { Exist } procedure StartModel; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to NumOfChars - 1 do begin CharToIndex[I] := I + 1; IndexToChar[I + 1] := I; end; if not Adaptive then begin CumFreq[NumOfSyms] := 0; for I := NumOfSyms downto 1 do CumFreq[I - 1] := CumFreq[I] + FreqTable[I]; if CumFreq[0] > MaxFreq then begin Writeln(^G'Cumulative frequency count too high.'); Halt; end; end else begin for I := 0 to NumOfSyms do begin FreqTable[I] := 1; CumFreq[I] := NumOfSyms - I; end; FreqTable[0] := 0; end; end; { StartModel } procedure UpdateModel(Symbol: Integer); var I: Integer; C1, C2: Integer; begin if not Adaptive then begin end else begin if CumFreq[0] = MaxFreq then begin C1 := 0; for I := NumOfSyms downto 0 do begin FreqTable[I] := (FreqTable[I] + 1) shr 1; CumFreq[I] := C1; C1 := C1 + FreqTable[I]; end; end; I := Symbol; while FreqTable[I] = FreqTable[I - 1] do Dec(I); if I < symbol then begin C1 := IndexToChar[I]; C2 := IndexToChar[Symbol]; IndexToChar[I] := C2; IndexToChar[Symbol] := C1; CharToIndex[C1] := Symbol; CharToIndex[C2] := I; end; Inc(FreqTable[I]); while I > 0 do begin Dec(I); Inc(CumFreq[I]); end; end; end; { UpdateModel } procedure Initialize; var I: Integer; Temp: String; begin if ParamCount = 0 then begin Writeln('COMPRESS version 0.1 (12/31/90) by Toupao ' +'Chieng C.W. H.S. C.C.'); Writeln('usage: COMPRESS [{-|/}option] [filename...]'); Writeln; Writeln('option: /d = decompress file(s)'); Writeln; Writeln('example:'); Writeln(' { file compression }'); Writeln(' COMPRESS myfile.pas bgidemo.pas tcalc.pas'); Writeln(' COMPRESS *.pas *.exe'); Writeln; Writeln(' { file decompression }'); Writeln(' COMPRESS /d myfile.tcc bgidemo.tcc tcalc.tcc'); Writeln(' COMPRESS /d *.tcc'); Writeln; Writeln('You may copy and distribute this program if ' +'you''d like...'); Writeln('See COMPRESS.PAS (source) for some notes on the ' +'program...'); Halt; end else begin Decompression := False; for I := 1 to ParamCount do begin Temp := ParamStr(I); if Temp[1] in ['-','/'] then begin if Not (UpCase(Temp[2]) in ['C','D']) then begin if Not Exist(Temp) then begin Writeln(^G'ERROR: Illegal option (',Temp[2],')'); Halt; end; end else begin if UpCase(Temp[2]) = 'D' then Decompression := True; end; end; end; end; end; { Initialize } procedure SetCompressor; begin TopValue := $FFFE; FirstQrtr := (TopValue div 4) + 1; Half := 2 * FirstQrtr; ThirdQrtr := 3 * FirstQrtr; Adaptive := True; New(InBufPtr); New(OutBufPtr); EOFile := False; StartModel; end; { SetCompressor } procedure SetDecompressor; begin TopValue := $FFFE; FirstQrtr := (TopValue div 4) + 1; Half := 2 * FirstQrtr; ThirdQrtr := 3 * FirstQrtr; New(InBufPtr); New(OutBufPtr); OutBufPos := 1; EOFile := False; StartModel; end; { SetDecompressor } procedure FillInputBuf; begin if Eof(IFile) then EOFile := True else begin BlockRead(IFile, InBufPtr^, BufSize, InBufCnt); end; InBufPos := 1; end; { FillInputBuf } procedure WriteOutBuf; begin if OutBufPos > 1 then begin BlockWrite(OFile, OutBufPtr^, OutBufPos - 1); OutBufPos := 1; end; end; { WriteOutBuf } procedure StoreByte(B: Byte); begin OutBufPtr^[OutBufPos] := B; Inc(OutBufPos); if OutBufPos > BufSize then WriteOutBuf; end; { StoreByte } function GetByte: Byte; begin if not EOFile then begin GetByte := InBufPtr^[InBufPos]; if InBufPos = InBufCnt then FillInputBuf else Inc(InBufPos); end; end; { GetByte } procedure StartOutputingBits; begin BitBuffer := 0; BitsToGo := 8; ByteCnt := 0; end; { StartOutputingBits } procedure OutputBit(B: Byte); begin BitBuffer := BitBuffer shr 1; if B = 0 then BitBuffer := BitBuffer and $7F else BitBuffer := BitBuffer or $80; Dec(BitsToGo); if BitsToGo = 0 then begin StoreByte(BitBuffer); BitsToGo := 8; ByteCnt := ByteCnt + 1; end; end; { OutputBit } procedure StartEncoding; begin Low := 0; High := TopValue; BitsToFollow := 0; OrigFileSize := 0; end; { StartEncoding } function InputBit: Word; var T: Word; begin if BitsToGo = 0 then begin BitBuffer := GetByte; if EOFile then begin Inc(GarbageBits); if GarbageBits > CodeValueBits - 2 then begin Writeln(^G'Bad input file.'); Halt; end; end; BitsToGo := 8; end; T := BitBuffer and $01; BitBuffer := BitBuffer shr 1; Dec(BitsToGo); InputBit := T; end; { InputBit } procedure StartDecoding; var I: Byte; begin I := GetByte; Mode := Chr(I); if UpCase(Mode) = 'A' then Adaptive := True else Adaptive := False; Value := 0; for I := 0 to CodeValueBits - 1 do begin Value := 2 * Value + InputBit; end; Low := 0; High := TopValue; end; { StartDecoding } procedure BitPlusFollow(B: Byte); begin OutputBit(B); while BitsToFollow > 0 do begin if B = 1 then OutPutBit(0) else OutputBit(1); Dec(BitsToFollow); end; end; { BitPlusFollow } procedure EncodeSymbol(Sym: Word); var Range: Longint; begin Range := Longint((High - Low) + 1); High := Low + (Range * CumFreq[Sym - 1]) div CumFreq[0] - 1; Low := Low + (Range * CumFreq[Sym]) div CumFreq[0]; repeat if High < Half then begin BitPlusFollow(0); end else if Low >= Half then begin BitPlusFollow(1); Low := Low - Half; High := High - Half; end else if (Low >= FirstQrtr) and (High < ThirdQrtr) then begin Inc(BitsToFollow); Low := Low - FirstQrtr; High := High - FirstQrtr; end else Exit; Low := 2 * Low; High := 2 * High + 1; until 0 <> 0; end; { EncodeSymbol } procedure DoneEncoding; begin Inc(BitsToFollow); if (Low < FIrstQrtr) then BitPlusFollow(0) else BitPlusFollow(1); end; { DoneEncodeing } procedure DoneOutputingBits; begin BitBuffer := BitBuffer shr BitsToGo; StoreByte(BitBuffer); ByteCnt := ByteCnt + 1; end; { DoneOutputingBits } procedure Compress(F: String); const HdrLen = 32; Blanks = ' '; var OName: String; FSize: String; Header: String; I: Byte; begin Assign(IFile, F); Reset(IFile, 1); if Pos('.', F) > 0 then OName := Copy(F, 1, Pos('.', F)) + 'TCC' else OName := F + '.TCC'; Assign(OFile, OName); Rewrite(OFile, 1); FillInputBuf; OutBufPos := 1; StoreByte(Ord('A')); Write('Compressing: ', F); StartOutPutingBits; StartEncoding; Str(FileSize(IFile), FSize); Header := F + '|' + FSize; Header := Header + Copy(Blanks, 1, HdrLen - Length(Header)); for I := 1 to Length(Header) do begin Symbol := CharToIndex[Ord(Header[I])]; EncodeSymbol(Symbol); UpdateModel(Symbol); end; repeat Bite := GetByte; OrigFileSize := OrigFileSize + 1; if not EOFile then begin Symbol := CharToIndex[Bite]; EncodeSymbol(Symbol); UpdateModel(Symbol); end; until EOFile; EncodeSymbol(EOFSymbol); DoneEncoding; DoneOutputingBits; WriteOutBuf; Close(IFile); Close(OFile); Writeln(' (', ((ByteCnt / OrigFileSize) * 100): 4: 2, '%) done.'); end; { Compress } function DecodeSymbol: Word; var Range: Longint; Cum: Word; Sym: Word; Done: Boolean; begin Range := Longint((High - Low) + 1); Cum := (((Value - Low) + 1) * CumFreq[0] - 1) div Range; Sym := 1; Done := False; while CumFreq[Sym] > Cum do Inc(Sym); High := Low + (Range * CumFreq[Sym - 1]) div CumFreq[0] - 1; Low := Low + (Range * CumFreq[Sym]) div CumFreq[0]; repeat if High < Half then else if (Low >= Half) then begin Value := Value - Half; Low := Low - Half; High := High - Half; end else if (Low >= FirstQrtr) and (High < ThirdQrtr) then begin Value := Value - FirstQrtr; Low := Low - FirstQrtr; High := High - FirstQrtr; end else Done := True; if not Done then begin Low := 2 * Low; High := 2 * High + 1; Value := 2 * Value + InputBit; end; until Done; DecodeSymbol := Sym; end; { DecodeSymbol } procedure Decompress(F: String); begin Assign(IFile, F); Reset(IFile, 1); FillInputBuf; HdrCnt := 1; BitsToGo := 0; GarbageBits := 0; ByteCnt := 0; StartDecoding; repeat Symbol := DecodeSymbol; if Symbol <> EOFSymbol then begin Ch := IndexToChar[Symbol]; if HdrCnt < HdrLen then begin Header[HdrCnt] := Chr(Ch); Inc(HdrCnt); end else if HdrCnt = HdrLen then begin Header[0] := Chr(HdrLen); OutFileName := Copy(Header, 1, Pos('|', Header) - 1); Assign(OFile, OutFileName); Rewrite(OFile, 1); Writeln('Decompressing: ', OutFileName); Inc(HdrCnt); end else StoreByte(Ch); UpdateModel(Symbol); end; until EOFile; WriteOutBuf; Close(OFile); Close(IFile); end; { Decompress } begin { main program } Initialize; Writeln('COMPRESS version 0.1 (12/31/90) by Toupao Chieng'); if Not Decompression then begin LoadFiles; FP := FileListHead; repeat SetCompressor; Compress(FP^.Name); FP := FP^.Next; until FP = nil; end else begin LoadFiles; FP := FileListHead; repeat SetDecompressor; Decompress(FP^.Name); FP := FP^.Next; until FP = nil; end; end. { TCCompress }