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 TriTel Personal Mail Pager 1.1 for BBS  Elm Morrow 29.08.1991

Персональный мэйл-пэйджер для BBS. Сканирует все эхо-арии на предмет наличия в них новых сообщений персонально вам.
The TriTel Personal Mail Pager scans the conference areas and checks for any personal mail. If there is, it will update your personal log on file, or create one if it doesn't exist.


TriTel Personal Mail Pager 1.1 by Nocturnal Aviation Software and Works of Art BBS WHAT IT DOES: The TriTel Personal Mail Pager scans the conference areas and checks for any personal mail. If there is, it will update your personal log on file, or create one if it doesn't exist. So far I've checked it with SendNote by Randy Hunt and with the Dropped Carried Checker. It's had no problems. This IS the first version, though, so there's bound to be something wrong. If you find a problem with it, please let me know. Elm Morrow Works of Art BBS (707) 464-9607 1200/2400 baud 24 hrs a day. Home Phone: (707) 465-6765 Address: 911 N. Pacific Ave #15 Crescent City, CA 95531 THIS PROGRAM WAS WRITTEN USING Borland's TURBO PASCAL 5.5 The greatest language products all come from Borland! PERSONAL NOTE: I've included the source code (TTPMP.PAS) and the TriTel unit that contains TriTel procedures and functions that any future utility may utilize (TTPROCS.PAS). Feel free to criticize my code. I used to program every day (& night) but I'm currently going to school to get a degree so I don't have to program for terrible wages anymore. So, I may be thinking more about Lit or Calculus than I am about programming solid, fast code. I would love to hear from you if you see a way to improve the performance of this utility. The cheapest way is to send me a letter, but I'm notorious for not writing to people. Snail mail isn't my speed. If you're crazy enough to call our board (The Works of Art) in Northern California, I will most certainly do my best to return the courtesy. My wife isn't always looking when I'm getting ready to make a long distance call to another BBS! Thanks, Elm.