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   Программы для BBS    >>    wedits22
 WwivEdit v2.2 - Full Screen Text Editor for WWIV BBS  Adam Caldwell 18.08.1991

Полноэкранный редактор сообщений для WWIV BBS. Поддерживает ANSI графику и макросы.
WWIVEdit is a full screen editor designed specifically for use with the WWIV 4.xx BBS system. It takes advantage of many of the features of WWIV such as colors, Macros, and WWIV specific formatting functions.


WWIVEdit Version 2.2 Last Modified : 8/19/91 By Adam Caldwell (The Emporer) 1@ 16401 (Link) [The First Galactic Empire (Link)] 1@ 6470 (Net) [The First Galactic Empire (Net) ] 718@ 5252 (Net) [Dragon's Den (Net) ] Phone: (614) 593-7836 [ Link BBS ] Purpose : WWIV is a full screen editor designed specifically for use with the WWIV 4.xx BBS system. It takes advantage of many of the features features of WWIV such as colors, Macros, and WWIV specific formatting functions. It is a Word Processor like editor that I have written to be easily Extendable (if you understand my programming style :-) This source code is Limited Public Domain. By this I mean that you may freely modify and distribute this source code so long as: 1) No Fee is charged for this or any product derived from this code 2) Any modifications that you make are CLEARLY noted as not being my code (ie, initial it) if you distrubute modified versions 3) You don't change this message header in any way [including removal of it] 4) No NOT use the naming convention WEDITSxx.ZIP when distributing it This is reserved for *official* releases