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 MD5 Implementation for Turbo Pascal   Robert Rothenburg 26.08.94

Ассемблерный модуль и паскаль-интерфейс для алгоритма шифрования MD5. Паскаль-интерфейс позволяет вычислять MD5-хэш для буфера или для файла целиком. Используется ключ длиной 64 байта (512 бит).
MASM 5.0/386 sources for MD5 Message Digest with Turbo Pascal Unit to use MD5 routines.


{ ===============================================================} { MD5 Implementation for Turbo Pascal } { (requires 386 or greater machines) } { ===============================================================} { } { This source code is (c) Copyright 1994, } { Robert Rothenburg Walking-Owl <rrothenb@ic.sunysb.edu> } { ( assemmler sources look in *.asm files ) } { } { These sources are "original", based entirely on the MD5-A } { Internet Draft (10 July 1991) descriptions of the algorithm. } { Please read that document for more information of MD5 } { specifications, et cetera. } { License: this code, as well as any derivative code, } { may be used only for personal and/or non-commercial purposes. } { Modified versions of this code may not be distributed without } { the author's permission. } { Any software (including compiled executables) containing this } { code may only be distributed as free software--that is, } { no fees of any kind are to be asked of users of that software. } { } { This source code must be distributed as-is, with no } { modifications. } { The author makes no guarantees or warrantees of any kind about } { this code. Use at your own risk. The author will not be held } { accountable for any damages resulting from the use or mis-use } { of this software, etc. } { ===============================================================} unit MD5; { AFAIK, this code should work for Turbo Pascal 4.0 and above } interface type Digest = Array [ 0..15 ] of Byte; { Actually, Digest = Array [ 0..3 ] of LongInt } { Returns the Cpu the system is running 0 = 86..186 2 = 286 3 = 386 4=486 } { Since these routines *do* require a 386 machine, it'd be smart to test! } function GetCpu: Word; far; procedure MD5Init(var Hash); far; { Initializes the Hash/Digest value prior to calculating MD5 transforms } procedure MD5Hash(var Data, Hash); far; { Hashes on MD5 transform on the Data[64] } procedure MessageMD5(var Message; Size: Word; var Hash); { Calculates the MD5 for the data in Message (0 through 65455 bytes) } procedure FileMD5(var f: file; var Hash); { Calculates the MD5 for a file (like MD5SUM or CHK-SAFE) } implementation function GetCpu: Word; external; {$L GetCpu.Obj} procedure MD5Init(var Hash); external; {$L MD5.Obj} procedure MD5Hash(var Data, Hash); external; procedure MessageMD5(var Message; Size: Word; var Hash); { Note: whatever space is allocated for Message, make sure there } { is room to add an extra 512 bits (64 bytes) of padding! } var Buffer: Array [ 0..65520 ] of Byte absolute Message; Index: Word; Data: ^Byte; Count: LongInt; begin MD5Init(Hash); Count := LongInt(Size ShL 3); { Count = number bits in message } { Pad the data congurent to 448 mod 512 bits (56 mod 64 bytes). } { If the data is already congruent to 448, add 512 bits... } Buffer[ Size ] := $80; Inc(Size); while (Size mod 64)<>56 do begin Buffer[ Size ] := 0; Inc(Size); end; { Append the 64-bit count of the number of bits in the message } { (prior to padding). If message longer than 2^64 bits, use low quadword } Move(Count,Buffer[Size],4); Inc(Size,4); Count := 0; Move(Count,Buffer[Size],4); Inc(Size,4); Index := 0; repeat Data := Addr(Buffer[Index]); MD5Hash(Data^,Hash); { Hash 512 bit (64 byte) packets } Inc(Index,64); until Index = Size; end; procedure FileMD5(var f: file; var Hash); { ===============================================================} { Speed comparisons of various MD5 hashing utilities (using Intel 486/33): } { } { This routine (using 32-bit 386 code) on 1.9Mb of data: aprox. 6 sec. } { MD5SUM (incl. with PGP 2.3a sources): 15 sec. } { CHK-SAFE v2.01: 52 sec. } { ===============================================================} var Buffer: Array [ 0..4159 ] of Byte; Index, BufferSize: Word; Data: ^Byte; Finalized: Boolean; DatTim, CountLo, CountHi: LongInt; begin { Assumes file is already open properly! } MD5Init(Hash); Finalized := False; CountLo := 0; CountHi := 0; repeat BlockRead(f,Buffer,4096,BufferSize); CountLo := CountLo + BufferSize; if BufferSize<>4096 then begin Buffer[ BufferSize ] := $80; Inc(BufferSize); while (BufferSize mod 64)<>56 do begin Buffer[ BufferSize ] := 0; Inc(BufferSize); end; CountHi := LongInt(CountLo ShR 29); { Warning: Turbo Pascal 7.0 may have problems shifting LongInts } CountLo := LongInt(CountLo ShL 3); Move(CountLo,Buffer[BufferSize],4); Inc(BufferSize,4); Move(CountHi,Buffer[BufferSize],4); Inc(BufferSize,4); Finalized := True; end; Index := 0; repeat Data := Addr(Buffer[Index]); MD5Hash(Data^,Hash); Inc(Index,64); until Index = BufferSize; until Finalized; end; end.