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 tBase 1.1 - TP6.0 OOP unit for accessing DBF files   Nasir Haniffa 20.12.1992

Объектно-ориентированный модуль для TP6.0, позволяющий работать с базами формата DBF. Приведены примеры, документация, и TPU6.0 модули (без исходников!).
TP6.0 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1 Included: Docs, Samples and TPU6.0 only :(


********************************************************************* Unit Tbase.TPU ********************************************************************* Introduction This is the main unit of my goal- Defining Objects to handle Dbase III and FOXPRO compatible files. The old existing Programs did not provide satisfactory performance to me. Tbase provides facilities to Create Dbase files, Manipulation on FIeld Structure and Manipulations on Data. Tbase allows you to supply Fieldname as argument ( string ) in methods. For example, FieldData( 'Cust_No' ) will give you the data of CUST_NO in the current record ( if such a field exists.. ) For those who are familiar with using Field numbers in the older programs, Tbase provide Methods that accepts field numbers too. The consistency in these procedures are: any method that accepts a field name string as an argument has its counterpart with the same structure but with Field number in place of Field Name. The name of the method adds a MY in its identifier. For example, FieldData accepts Field name string while MYFieldData accept Field Number as Argument. Validity Checks are performed in many methods. If the check fails anywhere, the error variable DbError is set to an error number and a Bleep sound occurs. No Screen Display is reported nor does the program abort. The only case the program is aborted is when initializing ( Opening ) a Dbase Object. The reason for this non-screen report is to avoid the disturbance when using graphical environment. ---------------------------------------------------------- Nasir Haniffa ( ACDH083@SAUPM00.BITNET )