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   Хакерские Штучки    >>    ami_cpd
 American Megatrends CMOS password detector   Дамир Бикмухаметов 22.04.1994

Программа для получения пароля, установленного в AMI BIOS.
AMI BIOS Passward Cracker


uses Dos, Crt; var code: byte; password: array[0..5] of byte; function DeCode (symbol: byte): byte; assembler; asm xor bl,bl mov al,symbol @@cont: test al,$80 jz @@c1 test al,$61 jnp @@c2 stc @@c2: rcl al,1 jmp @@check @@c1: test al,$61 jp @@c3 stc @@c3: rcl al,1 @@check: inc bl cmp al,code jne @@cont xor ax,ax mov al,bl end; function ReadByte(address: byte): byte; assembler; asm xor ax,ax mov al,address out 70H,al in al,71H end; procedure GetPassword; var i: byte; b: byte; begin code:=(ReadByte($37) and $F0); for i:=0 to 5 do begin b:=ReadByte($38+i); if b=0 then exit; password[i]:=DeCode(b); code:=b end end; var i: byte; ch: char; BEGIN for i:=0 to 5 do password[i]:=0; writeln('American Megatrends CMOS password detector. ', '(C) BocoSoft 1993.'); writeln; writeln('WARNING: This program will take effect only on the AMI ', 'BIOSes !'); repeat write('Have You got the AMI BIOS (Y/N) ? '); repeat until keypressed; ch:=UpCase(ReadKey); writeln(ch); if ch = 'N' then Halt(1); until ch = 'Y'; writeln; writeln('Sorry, but some machines can be halted by this program !'); repeat write('Would You like to continue (Y/N) ? '); repeat until keypressed; ch:=UpCase(ReadKey); writeln(ch); if ch = 'N' then Halt(1); until ch = 'Y'; GetPassword; i:=0; writeln; if password[i] = 0 then begin writeln('Can''t detect CMOS password !'); writeln; writeln('Maybe :'); writeln(' - Your BIOS is non-AMI'); writeln(' - Your CMOS hasn''t got any passwords :-)'); writeln(' - Password is empty.'); end else begin write('CMOS password: '); for i:=0 to 5 do if password[i] <> 0 then write(char(password[i])); writeln; end; writeln; writeln('Press any key...'); repeat until keypressed; ch:=readkey; END.