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   Математика    >>    tpmath
 Elementary, Complex and Trigonometry Math Library  Ron Finger 04.06.1986

Три математических библиотеки, подключаемых дирекстивой Include: Элементарная математика, Комплексная математика, Тригонометрия.
CMPXLIB: Complex math library;
MATHLIB.INC: math utility library;
TRIG.INC: Trigonometrical Function library


{CMPXLIB: Complex math library for Pascal; by Ron Finger} Procedure CPERM(N:Complex); {to make complex number permanent} Procedure CERASE(N:Complex); {to release temporary complex variables} Function CMPLX(R,I:Real): Complex; {to create complex number with cartesian coordinates} Function RE(N:Complex): Real; {returns real part of complex number} Function IM(N:Complex): Real; {returns imaginary part of complex number} Function PHASOR(M,A:Real): Complex; {to create phasor from magnitude and angle} Function MAG(N:Complex): Real; {returns magnitude part of phasor} Function ANG(N:Complex): Real; {returns angle part of phasor} Function CMPXO(N1:Complex;OP:Char;N2:Complex): Complex; {to add, subtract, miltiply, or divide complex numbers} Function POLAR(N:Complex): Complex; {to convert complex number from cartesian to polar coordinates} Function CART(N:Complex): Complex; {to convert complex number from polar to cartesian coordinates} Function CSQR(N:Complex): Complex; {square of complex number, SQR(N)} Function CSQRT(N:Complex): Complex; {square root of complex number, SQRT(N)} Function CRECP(N:Complex): Complex; {recripical of complex number, 1/N} Function CONJG(N:Complex): Complex; {conjugate of a complex number} Function CABS(N:Complex): Real; {absolute value of complex number, ABS(N)} ------------------------------------------------ {MATHLIB.INC math utility library by Ron Finger} Function SIGN(X:Real):Integer; {Returns sign of argument as +1, -1, or 0} {Common LOG Functions} Function LOG10(X:Real): Real; {LOG (BASE 10) Function} Function ALOG10(X:Real): Real; {ANTILOG (BASE 10) Function} {Power Functions} Function POWER(X:Real;N:Integer): Real; {Computes Real X raised to Integer power N iteratively} Function CUBE(X:Real): Real; {Cube Function} Function CBRT(X:Real): Real; {Cube root function} Function RPOWER(X,N:Real): Real; {Computes Real X raised TO Real power N} Function NLEN(X:R