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   Строковые Функции    >>    psstr105
 Pure Power Strings 1.05 - Common Strings Unit   Michael Gallias 01.05.1993

String, Variable and Keyboard Utilities Rev. 1.05. Copyright 1993, Michael Gallias


------------------ Pure Power Strings Revision 1.05 -------------- Hi I wrote this unit over a number of years and thought that other people who have not yet written such a unit could benefit from it. So I wrote a .NG file for it and released it. If you like this unit, please let me know. Donations, letters or postcards are welcome, especially postcards. If you do send any money, please send cash, either rands or US$'s. Make sure you use a dark envelope so the cash cannot be seen. Please don't send coins in the post. If you can't get US$'s or rands, you are welcome to send me whatever currency you are using. Remember, this software is free, you don't have to pay for it. I would really appreciate a postcard if you use this software, money is not so important. I won't nag you about money, I just want to know if my software is used. I suppose there could be even more features for me to add but I don't know if anyone is going to use this. If there is sufficient response for any of my products I'll improve that product. This software is free and I take no responsibility for any loss or damages. I can usually be contacted via Internet, isapeg@images.cs.und.ac.za, or preferably on gallias@ph.und.ac.za. I also have Fidonet on 5:7103/6 Michael Gallias. Then there is always post. BBS's are good too: Connectix (031) 266 9992 My ID: Mission Honey In The Rock (031) 463 1709 My ID: Michael Gallias If I don't reply to EMail (within say 2 weeks), it could be an EMail problem. I always reply quickly. So if no reply, I'm not being rude, I probably just didn't get the EMail. These things happen.