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- 2.3.6 -
TMT Pascal Language Description
Built-in Assembler

Assembler Prefixes

Prefixes are modifiers for the following instruction. TMT Pascal allows the following prefix mnemonics:
 Prefix  Comments 
SEGCSOverride the operand's segment with CS:
SEGDSOverride the operand's segment with DS:
SEGESOverride the operand's segment with ES:
SEGFSOverride the operand's segment with FS:
SEGGSOverride the operand's segment with GS:
SEGSSOverride the operand's segment with SS:
LOCKLock the bus
REPRepeat the instruction
REPE and REPZRepeat while equal
REPNE and REPNZRepeat while not equal

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- 2.3.6 -