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IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Compiler and Debugger Shortcuts

ShortcutAction or command
Ctrl+F9Compiles the application
Shift+Ctrl+F9Makesthe application
Alt+F9Builds the application
Ctrl+F8Makes and executes the application
F9Starts/continues debugging
F7Performs a single step while in debugging mode
F4Runts the application to the cursor position
F5Toggles a breakpoint at the current line
Ctrl+F2Resets (terminates) the debugging process
Ctrl+F5Adds a watch
Ctrl+Shift+F5Adds a watch at the cursor position
Ctrl+Alt+VShows the Program Variables window
Ctrl+Alt+CShows the CPU Status window

Previous: Editor Shortcuts To the Table of Content Next: Debugger Commands
Editor Shortcuts Table of Content Debugger Commands

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