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   Программы для BBS    >>    snxt_100
 SNXT 1.0 - Sysop Next key Utility for BBS   Mark Billig 19.01.1991

Вспомогательная утилита для Сисопа BBS. Предназначена для ожидания нажатия определенной клавиши в течение заданного времени. Если нажатия не произошло, то утилита завершает работу и возвращает заданный ErrorLevel.
SYSNXT is a general purpose batch file get key utility. SYSNXT was written to use as a Sysop Next key for BBS. It waits desired time of desired key and returns with desired errorlevel.


SYSNXT is a general purpose batch file get key utility. SYSNXT was written to use as a Sysop Next key for my BBS. This program is guarenteed to do nothing but take up your precious hard disk space. SYSNXT ssskeee [ssskeee] [ssskeee] [ssskeee] sss = seconds to wait for timeout 0-255 k = key to activate timeout (A)lways (C)apsLock (N)umLock (S)crollLock eee = errorlevel to exit if any key is pressed 0-255 Example: SYSNXT 30S5 = Wait 30 seconds for any key if scroll lock is on. If key is pressed exit with errorlevel 5. If sss is equal to 0 or missing then there will be no timeout and the program will exit immediately. If eee is missing or equal to 0 then the exit code will be equal to the ascii code of the key pressed. (k) can be an A, C, N or S. If the A, C, N or S is an uppercase character, the computer will beep as every second ticks by. USE: Example of BBS.BAT... ECHO OFF :START SYSNXT 30S1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO BATEND C: CD\BINKLEY BT SHARE . . . GOTO START :BATEND Please send any suggestions or comments to: Mark Billig 1:273/701.0 (215)641-0270