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 JULES - Find the Number of Days between Two Dates   David Strickler 20.11.1985

Вычисление разности двух дат по Юлианскому календарю.
This program shows a pretty good way to find the number of days between two dates. It is reasonably fast and has a mininum of source code to it.


Program Jules; { All of the explanation needed is the source. "May this routine make all your code run faster" - Programmer's Prayer } Type Str3 = string[3]; {for a month name} str9 = string[9]; Var Date1,Date2 : string[12]; {the dates to compare} Number_of_days : integer; {Number of days between the two dates} Function Number_of_Month (Month : str3) : integer; {Returns the sequential number of the month; Jan=1 & Dec = 12} Var Temp : integer; Dates : string[36]; Begin {Notice how I scan the string. Less code than a case!} Dates := 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'; Number_of_Month := round((pos(Month,Dates)-1)/3) +1; End; function Since_Beginning (month,day,year : integer) : integer; var DayCount : integer; {Holds the number of days} Temp : integer; {Just a temporary holding integer} Num_Leaps : integer; {Holds the number of leap years} Begin Num_Leaps := 0; DayCount := 0; Writeln; Writeln('Scanning ',month,'/',day,'/',year,' ...'); for Temp := 1 to year do {Gets the number of leap years} If (temp mod 4) = 0 then Num_Leaps := Num_Leaps + 1; Writeln('Found ',num_leaps,' leap years occuring'); DayCount := (year * 365) + Num_Leaps; {calcs year & leap year} Writeln('Making ',abs(daycount),' days in ',year,' YEARS'); DayCount := DayCount + Day; {adds in days} Writeln('Plus ',day,' days makes ',abs(daycount), ' days in YEAR + DAY'); For Temp := 1 to Month-1 do { Couldn't help but put a large case here. The number is the number of days in that month. Feb is 28 because the leap year counter takes the leap year into effect } Begin Case Temp of 1 : DayCount := DayCount + 31; {jan} 2 : DayCount := DayCount + 28; {feb} 3 : DayCount := DayCount + 31; {mar} 4 : DayCount := DayCount + 30; {apr} 5 : DayCount := DayCount + 31; {may} 6 : DayCount := DayCount + 30; {jun} 7 : DayCount := DayCount + 31; {jul} 8 : DayCount := DayCount + 31; {aug} 9 : DayCount := DayCount + 30; {sep} 10 : DayCount := DayCount + 31; {oct} 11 : DayCount := DayCount + 30; {nov} 12 : DayCount := DayCount + 31; {dec} end; {case of temp} end; {for loop} Since_Beginning := DayCount; Writeln('Plus ',month,' months makes ',abs(daycount), ' days since 00/00/00'); end; {function SINCE_BEGINNING} Function Days_Elapsed (date1,date2 : str9) : integer; Var Month1,Day1,Year1, Month2,Day2,Year2 : integer; {sets of dates} Temp1,Temp2 : integer; {for the VAL function} Begin Month1 := Number_of_Month(Copy(date1,4,3)); {gets the month number} Month2 := Number_of_Month(Copy(date2,4,3)); {gets the month number} Val(copy(date1,1,2),Day1,Temp2); {get everything into numerics} Val(copy(date2,1,2),Day2,Temp2); { " " " " } Val(copy(date1,8,2),year1,temp2); { " " " " } Val(copy(date2,8,2),year2,temp2); { " " " " } Val(copy(date1,8,2),year1,temp2); { " " " " } Val(copy(date2,8,2),year2,temp2); { " " " " } Days_Elapsed := Since_Beginning(month2,day2,year2) - Since_Beginning(month1,day1,year1); {The difference of the two numbers} end; Begin {Main} Date1 := '27 Jan 64'; {My birthday} Date2 := '20 Nov 85'; {When I last edited this program} ClrScr; {If you want originality, call an author...} Writeln('JULES - Finds the number of days between two dates ', 'using a JULIAN manner.'); Writeln('Author - David Strickler'); Writeln('Address - FIDO 101/45 [Midnight DEC]'); Writeln; Writeln('This program shows a pretty good way to find the number'); Writeln('of days between two dates. It is reasonably fast and'); Writeln('has a mininum of source code to it. Please use it as'); Writeln('you wish. The only right I claim, is that is it officialy'); Writeln('in the Public Domain.'); Writeln; {Call the main function. Very neat & clean. Two in, one out} Number_of_Days := Days_Elapsed(date1,date2); Writeln('Number of days between ',date1,' and ',date2,' is ', Number_of_days); End.