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 Disk13IO - Direct Disk (Int 13h) I/O Routines   Kurt H. Diesch 21.11.1988

Модуль для прямой работы с секторами диска с помощью прерывания Int 13h.
Sector Input/Output (Interrupt $13) Unit for Turbo Pascal 5.0:
- reset drive system
- get results of last Int$13 operation
- read absolute disk sectors
- write absolute disk sectors
- verify absolute disk sectors (CRC check)
- format a floppy disk


Program: DISK13IO.TPU Description: Sector I/O (Interrupt $13) Unit for Turbo Pascal 5.0 Author: Kurt Diesch Applied Micro Systems Technology PO Box 1596, Welch Ave. Station Ames, Iowa 50010 (515) 292-0426 CIS [71121,1404] Member - Association of Shareware Professionals Copyright 1988 AMST, all rights reserved. PROGRAM USE DISK13IO.TPU is a Turbo Pascal 5.0 unit designed to allow programmers to add disk sector I/O (interrupt $13) routines into their programs. The routines in DISK13IO will only operate on floppy disks. The entire unit is self-contained, including advanced error checking and error recovery. Functions available through DISK13IO include: ResetDrives ( reset disk drive system after an I/O error ) GetDiskStatus ( get results of last Int $13 operation ) ReadSectors ( read absolute disk sectors) WriteSectors ( write absolute disk sectors ) VerifySectors ( verify absolute disk sectors (CRC check) ) FormatDisk ( format a floppy disk in drive A or B, all disk sizes) To use the DISK13IO.TPU routines, place the DISK13IO declaration in the interface section of your program or unit. For example, a unit heading in your program might appear as follows: unit DISKTEST; interface uses Crt,Dos,DISK13IO; The DISK13IO routines occasionally must perform some screen I/O to report errors or to indicate the status of the format operation. DISK13IO will automatically save the current window setting, screen contents, and cursor location and restore these settings after the screen I/O is done. When screen output is necessary, a box will appear in the center of the screen. The foreground and background colors of the output box are controlled by a global variable of type byte called "Disk13IOAttr". This variable initially assumes the value of the Turbo variable "TextAttr" when your controlling program starts. (See your Turbo manual for a discussion of TextAttr in the section of the Turbo Crt unit). You can change the foreground and background colors of the display window by setting Disk13IOAttr in the same way you would change TextAttr. The location of the output window cannot be altered. +------------------------+ | | | SAMPLE OUTPUT WINDOW | | | | | +------------------------+ The remainder of this documentation describes each of the routines in DISK13IO.TPU. Each routine is descibed with input and output parameters. For a complete discussion of these routines, consult a DOS Technical Reference manual or a book such as Norton's Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC & PS/2. ************************** IMPORTANT ************************* IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROGRAMMER TO ENSURE THAT ALL PARAMETERS PASSED TO THE DISK13IO.TPU ROUTINES ARE WITHIN ACCEPTABLE RANGES. ALSO BE SURE YOU DO NOT USE THE WRITESECTORS FUNCTION UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE DOING. THE FORMAT DISK ROUTINE WILL CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU SPECIFY DRIVE A OR B AND WILL NOT ALLOW FORMATTING OF ANY OTHER DRIVES. ALL OF THESE ROUTINES WILL ONLY OPERATE ON DRIVES A OR B. **************************************************************** procedure ResetDrives (Drive:byte); ----------------------------------- Input: Drive : byte Drive to reset (0=A, 1=B, ...) IBM documentation indicates that this call will reset the entire disk system. Other references indicate that only the specified drive is reset. Output: none function GetDiskStatus : byte; ------------------------------ Input: none Output: Returns the error code generated by the last Interrupt $13 operation. The DISK13IO routines use this function internally to check for errors, and if you call this routine after using a DISK13IO routine, you will get the same error code as the DISK13IO routine last processed. If no error occurred, this function will return 0. function ReadSectors (see below) : boolean; ------------------------------------------- Input: Quiet : boolean True to suppress error messages DType : byte Drive type (1=360K 5-1/4 2=1.2M 5-1/4 ) (3=720K 3-1/2 4=1.44M 3-1/2) Drive : byte Drive to read from (0=A, 1=B) Track : byte Track number to read (0...) Side : byte Side to read (0 or 1 for floppy disks) SSect : byte Starting sector to read (1...) NSect : byte Number of sectors to read (1... DO NOT USE 0!) var Buffer Variable to store data (512 bytes/sector read) Output: True if operation was successful, otherwise false. Data read from sectors will be contained in Buffer if the operation was successful. function WriteSectors (see below) : boolean; -------------------------------------------- Input: Quiet : boolean True to suppress error messages DType : byte Drive type (1=360K 5-1/4 2=1.2M 5-1/4 ) (3=720K 3-1/2 4=1.44M 3-1/2) Drive : byte Drive to write to (0=A, 1=B) Track : byte Track number to write (0...) Side : byte Side to write (0 or 1 for floppy disks) SSect : byte Starting sector to write (1...) NSect : byte Number of sectors to write (1... DO NOT USE 0!) var Buffer Variable with data (512 bytes/sector to write) Output: True if operation was successful, otherwise false. function VerifySectors (see below) : boolean; --------------------------------------------- Input: Quiet : boolean True to suppress error messages DType : byte Drive type (1=360K 5-1/4 2=1.2M 5-1/4 ) (3=720K 3-1/2 4=1.44M 3-1/2) Drive : byte Drive to verify (0=A, 1=B) Track : byte Track number to verify (0...) Side : byte Side to verify (0 or 1 for floppy disks) SSect : byte Starting sector to verify (1...) NSect : byte Number of sectors to verify (1... DO NOT USE 0!) Output: True if operation was successful, otherwise false. function FormatDisk (see below) : boolean; ------------------------------------------ Input: DType : byte Drive type (1=360K 5-1/4 2=1.2M 5-1/4 ) (3=720K 3-1/2 4=1.44M 3-1/2) Drive : byte Drive to format (0=A, 1=B) MaxBad : byte Maximum allowable bad sectors from verify VLabel : string[11] Optional volume label Verify : boolean True forces verify with bad sector marking ShowRes: boolean True shows final format results Output: True if format operation was successful, otherwise false. As the format process takes place, a text window will appear as shown below to indicate the progress of the disk format. If the Verify option is on, FormatDisk will mark bad sectors on the disk. Unlike DOS FORMAT, FormatDisk only marks the bad sectors, not a whole track at a time. +-------------------------+ | AMST DISK FORMATTER | | | | Formatting Track xx | | | +-------------------------+ alternating with (if Verify=True) +-------------------------+ | AMST DISK FORMATTER | | | | Verifying Track xx | | Bad Sectors xxx | +-------------------------+ then +-------------------------+ | AMST DISK FORMATTER | | | | Writing FAT info... | | | +-------------------------+ and finally (if ShowRes=True) +-------------------------+ | xxxxxxx bytes total | | xxxxxxx marked as bad | | xxxxxxx bytes available | | **** press any key **** | +-------------------------+ Following is an short program to demonstrate how you to use DISK13IO.TPU in your programs to format a disk. (AUTHOR'S NOTE: I don't really program this way!!!). {========= EXAMPLE DISK FORMAT PROGRAM ================} Program DiskFormat; Uses Crt,Dos,DISK13IO; const CR = #13; ESC = #27; var DriveNumber, DriveType : byte; UserChoice : char; begin ClrScr; Writeln('TEST DISK FORMAT PROGRAM'); Writeln; Write('Enter drive letter (A or B, [Esc] to Exit): '); repeat UserChoice:=UpCase(Readkey); if UserChoice = ESC then Halt; until UserChoice in ['A','B']; Writeln; Writeln; DriveNumber := Ord(UserChoice)-65; Writeln(' 1 = 360K 5-1/4" 3 = 720K 3-1/2"'); Writeln(' 2 = 1.2M 5-1/4" 4 = 1.44M 3-1/2"'); Writeln; Write('Enter drive type ([Esc] to Exit): '); repeat UserChoice:=Readkey; if UserChoice = ESC then Halt; until UserChoice in ['1'..'4']; DriveType:=Ord(UserChoice)-48; Writeln; Writeln; Write('Insert blank disk in drive ', Chr(DriveNumber+65), ' and press [Return] ([Esc] to abort)'); repeat UserChoice:=Readkey; if UserChoice = ESC then Halt; until UserChoice=CR; if FormatDisk(DriveType,DriveNumber,0, 'TEST VOLUME',True,True) then ; end. {=============================================================} DISK13IO.TPU will handle all errors as they occur by placing an error message on the screen and giving the user the option of retrying the operation, or aborting the current operation. If the user aborts, control will be returned to your parent program. For example: +-------------------------+ | | | Drive not ready | | A)bort or R)etry | | | +-------------------------+ In addition to "A", the [Esc] key also serves to abort after an error. TECHNICAL INFORMATION DISK13IO.TPU is written entirely in Turbo Pascal 5.0. There is no inline assembly code, and the entire program was written using AMST developed routines. I use these routines in many of my programs, (custom, shareware, and personal). The entire unit is self-contained and does not rely on any other units (except Crt and DOS in the Turbo library). DISK13IO.TPU has been tested on the following equipment: AMT-286 with one 360K and one 1.44M drive AMT-286 with one 1.2M drive Zenith Z-248 with one 360K and one 1.2M drive Zenith Z-159 with one 360K drive Zenith Z-183 with one 720K drive Zenith Z-181 with two 720K drives If you have any problems with the program, call or write AMST with a description of the problem. Kurt Diesch Friday, October 28, 1988 11:30 a.m. Ames, Iowa Copyright 1988, All rights reserved.