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   Программы для FIDO    >>    allfix
 ALLFIX Developers Kit version 5.11   Harald Harms 25.06.1998

Набор модулей для упрощения работы с ФайлЭхоПроцессором AllFix. Содержит описание структур данных и примеры работы с файлами конфигурации, обработки статистики, вычисления CRC32, кодировки бинарных файлов в формате UUENCODE.
This package contains several files to help you on your way towards creating 3rd party utilities for ALLFIX.


********************************************************************* ALLFIX sample procedures Copyright (C) 1992,98 Harms Software Engineering, all rights reserved All information in this documentation is subject to change without prior notice ********************************************************************* This package contains several files to help you on your way towards creating 3rd party utilities for ALLFIX. The information in this documentation is not very detailed. It is suggested that you look at the few example procedures to learn how to read in the data files. Please make sure that the file structure remains correct, if your utility needs to update any of the files. Corrupt files can lead to a lot of headaches. Following is a description of the 5 sample files: TYPES.PAS Contains the type definitions for ALLFIX. FILEECHO.PAS Contains a sample procedure for reading the file echo configuration. The procedure for reading the node manager, hatch manager, etc, configuration is identical to this one. Therefore, those routines are not included in this package. STATFILE.PAS Contains a sample procedure for reading in the statistics information. FILEAREA.PAS Contains a sample procedure for reading in the FILEAREA.FIX file. CRC32.PAS Contains sample procedures for calculating the 32 bit CRC of filenames and strings. INTERNET.DOC Contains the formats and structures used to send files via the internet. UUENCODE.PAS Contains routines to uuencode and decode binary data. Please feel free to contact me if you have any trouble with any of these definitions. Also, if you make any nice utilities, please let me know, so that we can hatch them in the ALLFIX Utility fileecho and make them available on our website. Thank you, Harald Harms (harald@allfix.com)