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   Программы для FIDO    >>    trunclog
 TruncLog - FrontDoor LOG-file truncator   Erik Wachtmeester 13.01.1991

TRUNCLOG - Another FrontDoor LOG-file truncator... Written by Erik Wachtmeester in Turbo Pascal (tm) 5.5.


TRUNCLOG - Another FrontDoor LOG-file truncator... Written by Erik Wachtmeester in Turbo Pascal (tm) 5.5. Syntax: TRUNCLOG <logfile> <days to keep (max. 255)> [<keepfile>] E.g.: TRUNCLOG C:\FD\FD.LOG 7 C:\FD\HIST\OLD.LOG In this case, TRUNCLOG deletes all entries older than 7 days from your FD.LOG in the directory C:\FD, and keeps the deleted entries in C:\FD\HIST\OLD.LOG. The <keepfile> is optional, and in all cases, if no directory is given, the current directory will be used. If <keepfile> already exists, the new deleted entries will be appended to it, otherwise a new <keepfile> will be created. TRUNCLOG checks the date by looking for entries like: "---------- ddd DD mmm YY" where "ddd" is the dayname (wich will be ignored), and "DD mmm YY" is the date ("D mmm YY" is also recognised in e.g. "9 jan 91"). The "----------" is crucial, though... Programs that use this syntax for their logfiles include FrontDoor, TosScan, MButil, FileFix, RA, and probably a lot more. Please check this with your own logfile. TRUNCLOG is a public domain utility. You have got my permission to use (and alter) the enclosed program and sourcecode to your liking. I do not guarantee anything beyond the fact that TRUNCLOG uses diskspace, however... If you use and like this utility, I would be obliged if you let me know (netmail on address 2:283/103.2 or 2:500/109.1867 or 27:4331/109.1) Erik Wachtmeester, The Netherlands.