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 STORAGE - Store Your Info in a Compreesed File   Marcos R. Della 09.02.1991

This Unit was designed to allow you the user to save and restore several bodies of text or information into a single file and restore that information based on a single LONGINT.


STORAGE.PAS By Marcos R. Della This Unit was designed to allow you the user to save and restore several bodies of text or information into a single file and restore that information based on a single LONGINT. Examples of usage are: In a BBS system where you are creating a message base and need to save several messages however do not want to create several files. You also want the messages compressed to save disk space In a program where you are storing variable length records that you want to keep track of in an indexed database. Your index key can use the LONGINT returned by the storage system as your reference into the record. The record will be stored in compressed format. I'm sure that people can think of all kinds of neat things to do with this system. The main advantage that you have with this object is that ANY kind of data can be stored {Length: 0 < sizeof(data) < 65530} as long as it fits in the buffer space. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These routines were originally designed as a message storage routine for a new BBS system message base that we are putting together, however we have used this storage format for a varity of purposes as you can store variable length messages to one file and only have to keep track of an index. It also attempts to save on disk space which is ALWAYS at a premium around here. If you have any suggestions or improvments on this file or its usage, or would just like to chat, you can reach me at the following: Marcos R. Della 5084 Rincon Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95409 CIS: 71675,765