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 PasMouse 1.5 - Fast and Easy Mouse Unit for TP7/BP7   Tanescu Horatiu 17.06.1997

Быстрая и удобная мышиная библиотека для графического (BGI) и текстового режимов, содержащая 55 функций, написанных на ассемблере. Позволяет получать координаты мыши и состояние кнопок, позиционировать мышь, изменять форму курсора, устанавливать чувствительность, получать информацию об установленном драйвере и др.
55 procedures and functions that will give you full control over the mouse. All the normal mouse routines are contained (reset mouse, show, hide, read position and button state, change cursor shape, define sensitivity and threshold, set cursor range, get mouse driver information, support for user interrupt handlers, etc.). Written in assembler for speed and small code. VERY EASY TO USE even for a beginner !


PASCAL MOUSE v1.5 Mouse Interface for Turbo/Borland Pascal 6.0/7.0 Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Horatiu A. Tanescu June 17 1997 Permission is granted to freely distribute this package, as long as all files are copied as a group and are not modified in any way (including removal or alteration of copyright notices) and no charge beyond a cost-recovery fee is made. You may use this software in either commercial or non-commercial products provided that you do not charge any extra fee for this code and that you give credit to the original author. You are also encouraged to "register" by telling me who you are and in which product(s) you are using PASCAL MOUSE. Contact me via e-mail or send me a nice postcard (the preferred m