Copyright 1989 Anders Wolf Pedersen. You may use this product on a
shareware basis, i.e. if you find it usefull you should send
Dkr 150, US$ 20 or what you deem appropriate to
Anders Wolf Pedersen
Vejlegade 9,
DK 2100 Koebenhavn
1. Introduction
The following is a description of the MULTI unit for Turbo Pascal 4.0 or
later. The unit will allow you to run several TP-procedures as concurrent
processes. It also provides facilities for synchronizing the processes and for
communication between them.
The parallellism implied is not strictly true: your computer (presumably)
has only one processor and what the unit does is to share that processors time
between the various processes to create an illusion of parallel processing.
This assembly of concurrently executing procedures is called a multiprogram.
The unit will run on any IBM PC or compatible computer with Turbo Pascal
version 4.0 or 5.0. You may need to change some interrupt numbers, see
section 8.
This file should be a part of a package containing the following files:
MULTI.PAS - Source file