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   Принтеры и Печать    >>    hpdump01
 Dump a Graphics Screen to HP Laserjet  Bob Beauchaine 10.06.1992

Turbo Pascal unit to dump a graphics screen to an HP Laserjet compatible printer. Works with printers attached to the Comm ports if the appropriate MODE command has been issued at the dos prompt. Note that this is *not* a BGI driver. Output resolution is limited to that of the display adapter in use.


{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Turbo Pascal unit to dump a graphics screen to an HP Laserjet } { compatible printer. } { Written by Bob Beauchaine, May 1990 } { No user documentation necessary. Simply include a } { "Uses egaprtsc" clause in your main program. When you want a } { screen dump to the laser printer, make a call to dumpscreen. } { Printing can be aborted at any time by pressing the ESC key. } { Works with printers attached to the Comm ports if the } { appropriate MODE command has been issued at the dos prompt. } { Note that this is *not* a BGI driver. Output resolution is } { limited to that of the display adapter in use. } {---------------------------------------------------------------}