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 CD Player for Windows  Mark C. Paxton 15.09.92

Проигрыватель Audio CD для Windows (BP7/Win, TPW1.5). Интерфейс - командная строка. Позволяет проиграть один или несколько треков последовательно.
Turbo Pascal for Windows program to play an audio CD ROM disc on a CD ROM READER. The program as it stands now is a bare-bones program to get a TPW 1.5 program to talk to a CD ROM player to play a music disk using the multimedia features of Win31.


Program PlayAudioCD; { Description: Turbo Pascal for Windows program to play an audio CD ROM disc on a CD ROM READER. The program as it stands now is a bare-bones program to get a TPW 1.5 program to talk to a CD ROM player to play a music disk using the multimedia features of Win31. I had to spend a little time digging and converting the reference manual examples (manual mentioned below) from C to Turbo Pascal. I had looked for this starting point in the Compuserve forum for TPW, but didn't find anything. So, I thought maybe someone else might appreciate this... Any feedback would be welcome. In each routine, a running dialog of what is going on is being written via WRITELN. They are not pretty, but are there strictly for debugging purposes... Date.......: September 7, 1992 Author.....: Mark C. Paxton Environment: CompuAdd 433 (486 33mHz) 8MB RAM with a NEC CDR-37 CD ROM Reader (developed here) also tested on an IBM PS-2 Utimedia M57SLC 8MB RAM (internal CD ROM Reader) Windows 3.1 TPW 1.5 Reference..: Microsoft Windows MultiMedia Programmer's Workbook } Uses WinCrt, { Well, I did say it was bare bones...} Strings, WinProcs, WinTypes, MMSystem; { Multimedia stuff located here... } Var FileName : Array[0..65] of Char; wDeviceId : Word; StartTrack, EndTrack : Byte; ReturnValCode : Integer; numberOfTracks : LongInt; {----------------------------------------------------------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------} function GetErrorMessage(RC:LongInt):String; Const ErrorMessageLength = 128; Var lpstrBuffer