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TMT Pascal Language Description

Pascal Language Structure

TypesFile Types
File types are structures that contain components of any type except another
file type. File types are defined as follows:
File [of Componenttype];
If of is not specified and component types are not indicated then the
file is untyped.
Untyped files are used to access files regardless of their structure. Text
file types refer to a file of ASCII characters grouped in lines. Text is
a predefined type.
The record definitions used internally by TMT Pascal are also declared in
the System unit.
TFileRec is used for both typed and untyped files.
TFileRec = object
magic : ^TFileRec;
name : string;
handle : Longint;
rec_len : Longint;
state : flags;
wr_proc : function (F: Longint; Buf: Pointer; Len: Longint;
var Act: Longint): Longint;
procedure check_magic;
procedure check_opened;
procedure check_readable;
procedure check_writeable;
procedure io_error(code: Integer);
PFileRec = ^TFileRec;
TTextRec is the internal format of a variable of type text.
TTextRec = object (TFileRec)
buffer : array [0..63] of Char;
index : Longint;
len_buf : Longint;
max_buf : Longint;
buf_adr : Pointer;
function Eof: Boolean;
procedure init;
procedure fill_buf;
procedure fill_chr;
procedure skip_spaces;
procedure get_n_char(n: Integer);
PTextRec = ^TTextRec;
Internal Type flags is declared as:
flags = set of file_state;
where file_state is:
file_state = (
file_readable, //00h
file_writeable, //01h
file_opened, //02h
file_assigned, //03h
file_eof, //04h
file_text, //05h
file_file, //06h
file_fileof, //07h
file_tty, //08h
file_special, //09h
file_settextbuf //0Ah
Look the TFileRec sample code.
Record Types |
Table of Content |
Sample Program for TFileRec Structure |
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