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IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
TMT Pascal compiler comes with an IDE for Win32, which allows one to easily
edit, compile and execute applications for any target.
- Tunable syntax highlighting.
- Multi-level undo buffer.
- Code templates.
- Clipboard history window.
- Comfortable multi-window editor, which allows one to edit and run sources.
- Up to 10 bookmarks.
- New Windows-based context-sensitive help system.
- ANSI/OEM character insertion table.
- Powerful search/replace engine, which allow to find specified text in open
windows and directories.
- Easy in use compiler options setup menu.
- Multi-target compilation support.
Built-in debugger is not implemented in the current version of IDEW32.
See also:
Code Templates
Compiler Options
Debug Search Directory
Editor Shortcuts
Compiler and Debugger Shortcuts
Debugger Commands
ZMouse Unit |
Table of Content |
Bookmarks |
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