- 4.41.1 -
Standard Units
Keyboard UnitKeyboard Unit Constants
Targets: MS-DOS, Win32 console
The following constants are defined in Keyboard Unit:
ESC_Scan: Byte = $01; Ent_Scan: Byte = $1c;
Back_Scan: Byte = $0e; Rsh_Scan: Byte = $36;
Ctrl_Scan: Byte = $1d; Prt_Scan: Byte = $37;
Lsh_Scan: Byte = $2a; Alt_Scan: Byte = $38;
Caps_Scan: Byte = $3a; Home_Scan: Byte = $47;
F1_Scan: Byte = $3b; Up_Scan: Byte = $48;
F2_Scan: Byte = $3c; PgUp_Scan: Byte = $49;
F3_Scan: Byte = $3d; Min_Scan: Byte = $4a;
F4_Scan: Byte = $3e; Left_Scan: Byte = $4b;
F5_Scan: Byte = $3f; Mid_Scan: Byte = $4c;
F6_Scan: Byte = $40; Right_Scan: Byte = $4d;
F7_Scan: Byte = $41; Plus_Scan: Byte = $4e;
F8_Scan: Byte = $42; End_Scan: Byte = $4f;
F9_Scan: Byte = $43; Down_Scan: Byte = $50;
F10_Scan: Byte = $44; PgDn_Scan: Byte = $51;
F11_Scan: Byte = $d9; Ins_Scan: Byte = $52;
F12_Scan: Byte = $da; Del_Scan: Byte = $53;
Scrl_Scan: Byte = $46; Num_Scan: Byte = $45;
Tab_Scan: Byte = $0f; Space_Scan: Byte = $39;
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Keyboard Unit |
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Keyboard Unit Procedures and Functions |
- 4.41.1 -