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Standard Units

Graph Unit

Graph Unit Procedures and FunctionsLineTo procedure
Targets: MS-DOS, Win32
Graph Unit
Draws a line from the current pointer to (X,Y).
procedure LineTo(X, Y: Longint);
Draws a line in the style SetLineStyle
and uses the color set by SetColor.
Use SetWriteMode to determine
whether the line is copied or XOR'd to the screen.
Note that
MoveTo(100, 100);
LineTo(200, 200);
is equivalent to
Line(100, 100, 200, 200);
The first method is slower and uses more code. Use LineTo
only when the current pointer is at one endpoint of the line. Use
LineRel to draw a line a relative
distance from the CP. The second method doesn't
change the value of the CP.
LineTo moves the current pointer to (X, Y).
LineRel procedure |
Table of Content |
MoveRel procedure |
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