- 4.45.1 -
Standard Units

Math UnitMath Unit Constants
Targets: MS-DOS, OS/2, Win32
Following constants are defined in the Math unit
MinSingle = 1.5E-45;
MaxSingle = 3.4E+38;
MinDouble = 5.0E-324;
MaxDouble = 1.7E+308;
MaxExtended = MaxDouble;
MinExtended = MinDouble;
HalfLnMax = 3.54863405227661E+0002;
Deg2Rad = 1.74532925199433E-0002;
Rad2Deg = 5.72957795130823E+0001;
Grad2Rad = 1.57079632679490E-0002;
Rad2Grad = 6.36619772367581E+0001;
DoublePI = 6.28318530717959E+0000;
e = 2.71828182845905E+0000;
Math Unit |
Table of Content |
Math Unit Procedures and Functions |
- 4.45.1 -