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TMT Pascal Language Description

Pascal Language StructureProgram Comments
A good programmer knows that comments within a source file can be very helpful.
Comments are delimited by “{“ and “}” or “(*” and “*)”. All comments are
ignored by TMT Pascal during compilation. Comments cannot contain nested
comments that use the same delimiters. Below are examples of traditional
Pascal comments:
{ This is a comment }
(* Another comment *)
(* This comment is { nested } *)
{ Another (* nested *) comment }
(* An invalid (* comment *)
In addition to traditional comments, TMT Pascal supports C/C++ and Ada-style
end-line comments. These begin with a double hyphen and span until the end
of the line. For example:
/* This is C-style comment */
Space := ' '; -- initialize filler char
FillChar(Ptr ($A0000), 64000, 0); // clear VGA video memory
A comment that contains the dollar sign ($) immediately after opening {,
(* or /* is a compiler directive. A mnemonic of the compiler command follows
the $ character.
Starting from version 3.0,
TMT Pascal is not support Ada-style comments by default.
We thinking to completely remove support for Ada-style comments in future
and recommend you to replace all Ada-style comments in your programs by
traditional Pascal or C/C++ styled comments. Use {$AC+} compiler switch,
if you want to compile old sources with TMT Pascal 3.0 and higher (see
$AC: Ada-Style Comments Switch.
Operators and Delimiters |
Table of Content |
Constants |
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