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Standard Units

Graph Unit

Graph Unit Procedures and FunctionsRectangle procedure
Targets: MS-DOS, Win32
Graph Unit
Draws a rectangle, using the current line style and color.
procedure Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Longint);
procedure Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Longint; Color: DWORD);
(X1, Y1) defines the upper left corner of the rectangle,
and (X2, Y2) defines the lower right corner.
The rectangle can cross the screen borders.
Draws the rectangle in the current line style and color,
as set by SetLineStyle and
Use SetWriteMode to determine whether the rectangle is copied or XOR'ed
to the screen.
PutSprite procedure |
Table of Content |
ReleasePageDC procedure |
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