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Standard Units

System Unit

System Unit Procedures and FunctionsReWrite procedure
Targets: MS-DOS, OS/2, Win32
System Unit
Creates and opens a new file.
procedure ReWrite(var F: File[; RecSize: Longint ] );
F is a file variable of any type which was previously
associated with a file name by a call to
RecSize indicates the size in bytes of each record
and can only be passed if F is an untyped file.
Note that RecSize is not limited to 65,535 (64K) bytes.
If F exists or is open when ReWrite is called,
F is closed, deleted, and then recreated.
If F is assigned to an empty string (‘’),
standard input is used. Text files are created
as write-only. With {$I-}, IOResult
returns an error code if an error occurred, otherwise it is set to zero.
See also:
{$I} - I/O Checking Switch
Reset procedure |
Table of Content |
RmDir procedure |
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