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Standard Units

Graph Unit

Graph Unit Procedures and FunctionsSetVisualPage procedure
Targets: MS-DOS, Win32
Graph Unit
Sets the visual graphics page number.
procedure SetVisualPage(Page: DWORD; WaitForRetrace: Boolean);
Makes Page the visual graphics page.
Multiple pages are supported only by the SVGA graphics modes.
With multiple graphics pages, a program can direct graphics output
to an offscreen page, then quickly display the offscreen image by changing
the visual page with the SetVisualPage procedure.
This technique is especially useful for animation.
If the WaitForRetrace flag is not True,
this routine will not sync to the vertical retrace.
This flag is now part of the VBE 2.0 spec,
and if you have a VBE 1.2 device you cannot be sure
that the device will sync to the retrace anyway.
Win32 target:
Only two graphic pages are available for Graph unit.
SetVirtualMode procedure |
Table of Content |
SetWriteMode procedure |
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