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TMT Pascal Language Description

Pascal Language StructureTokens and Identifiers
Contiguous characters in a source file, not including the space character (32),
are called tokens. Tokens are separated by any number of spaces and control
characters (in the range of 0 to 32 decimal). For instance in the following
Writeln('Hello, World!');
there are five tokens: the identifier Writeln, left and right
parentheses, the semicolon and the string 'Hello, World!'. Programs are
sequences of tokens that tell the compiler what code to generate.
There are several different types of tokens; for instance, identifiers,
reserved words, operators, and so on. Each type of token is explained further
ahead in this manual.
Identifiers are tokens that have a special meaning in TMT Pascal. Identifiers
begin with a letter (A-Z or a-z) or underscore, and may contain letters,
underscores, and digits (0-9). The maximum length of an identifier is 255
characters, however only the first 63 characters are significant. TMT Pascal
is not case sensitive, therefore the identifiers WriteLn,
writeln, and WRITELN are all identical. Reserved words,
procedure names, and variables, are examples of identifiers.
Pascal Language Structure |
Table of Content |
Reserved Words |
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