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Douglas P. Webb |
Модуль для работы с архивами по методу LZSS/Huffman.
Приведен пример программы архивирования файлов.
The LZH unit implements a fairly faithful port of an algorithm
that was written in C by Haruyasu Yoshizaki and Haruhiko Okumura.
Included is a simple 1 file compression program as a demonstration
on how to use the LZH unit.
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Victor Shantar |
Две программы для работы с LZH архивами.
Одна программа умеет архивировать один файл,
а вторая - показывать заголовок архива.
The file LZHSRC97.PAS is the pascal source code
for the LZH compression routine used by BRANCH version 0.97.
This program uses a 4-byte file header and can only compress one file
at a time. The other program, LZHVIEW.PAS is the pascal source
to view the contents of any LZH files.
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Douglas P. Webb |
Программа для сжатия и распаковки,
использующая быстрый алгоритм LZ77.
The LZSS program implements a very nice (and fast)
implementation of the LZ77 algorithm submitted to the DR DOBBS
compression contest a few years back by Andy Tam.
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MarshallSoft Computing |
LZW4P v1.3
Библиотека для сжатия/распаковки по методу LZW для Turbo
It is a data compression library for Turbo Pascal programmers
which uses the LZW algorithm as published in research papers
by Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm is probably the best
generic compression algorithm known today. Shareware.
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Edwin Groothuis |
Объектно-ориентированный просмотрщик содержимого архивных файлов
Arj, Arc, Lzh, Zip, Zoo.
Object Oriented Archive Viewer for Turbo Pascal 7.0 v.3
(c) by Edwin Groothuis, MavEtJu software.
This unit let you peek into archives as if it were directories.
With the commands FindFirst and FindNext you get all the information
you need (name, size and date) for easy archive-handling.
Currently the supported archivetypes are Zip, Arj, Arc, Lzh and Zoo,
but it's very easy to expand them.
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Wilbert van Leijen |
- программа для сжатия бинарных файлов по алгоритму LZW
и преобразования их в .OBJ файл, который может быть включен
внутрь Вашей паскальной программы и распакован при выполнении.
It is a program that takes binary data as input,
compresses it using a fast LZW algorithm and converts it to an .OBJ file
that you can link in a Turbo Pascal (TP) program, version 4.0 or later.
TPUNPACK.PAS is the TP unit that takes care of decompressing the data.
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Terry Sansom |
Модуль для просмотра содержимого ZIP архивов (TPU only!).
PKWareU - is a PKWare ZIP viewer unit.
It allows acess to key fields inside PKWare's ZIPed type files.
Samples and TPU6 included only :(
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Douglas P. Webb |
Presskit v1.0
Набор из 5 программ, реализующих различные методы упаковки.
LZH unit (pascal port of an algorithm by Haruyasu Yoshizaki
and Haruhiko Okumura)
DOUGPACK (interpretation of LZW algorithm)
LZSS unit for the LZ77 algorithm
SIXPACK (compression algorithm by Philip G. Gage)
VITTER (dynamic Huffman coding algorithm by Jeffrey Scott Vitter)
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Paul O'Nolan |
Splay - Ассемблерный модуль для сжатия древовидных структур данных
и Pascal - интерфейс к нему.
Contains the TASM source for Splay Tree data compression
and Pascal interface for it.
It implements fast, efficient and deceptively simple single-pass
algorithm for data compression and expansion. It includes OOP version and
OBJ files and TASM code for pre-compression string packing.
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Stefan Goehler |
рограмма для разЗИПовки заЗИПованных файлов.
Routine for decompressing zipped files.
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Samuel H. Smith |
UnZip 2.0
Компактная, легко портируемая утилита для распаковки
ZIP архивов.
It is a small Zipfile extract utility.
It is written to be as small and portable as possible.
Source code is provided in C and Turbo Pascal.
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Wilbert van Leijen |
- Программа для вытаскивания файлов из ZIP архивов и преобразования их
в .OBJ файл, подключаемый к программе.
- собственно модуль для распаковки ZIP файла.
It is a program that extracts a file from a ZIPped archive
and converts it to a .OBJ file that you can link to a Turbo Pascal program,
version 6.0 or later.
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Vadim Bodrov |
Интерфейсный модуль для TMT Pascal, позволяющий использовать
в программе возможности динамической бмблиотеки UNRAR.DLL
для распаковки файлов, созданных с помощью RAR 2.0.
UNRAR.DLL is a 32-bit Windows dynamic-link library which provides
file extraction from the archives created with RAR 2.0.
The package includes Pascal interface unit and example sources
for TMT Pascal (Win32).
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Vadim Bodrov |
Модуль работы с ZIP файлами.
Компилируется в TP7, BP7, Delphi, VP, TMT.
Chief's UNZIP Unit.The following compilers are supported:
Turbo Pascal v7.x (MS-DOS), Borland Pascal v7.x (Dos, DPMI, and Windows),
Borland Delphi, TMT Pascal Multi-target v.3.xx (MS-DOS 32-bit PMode,
Win32 [console, GUI, DLL], OS/2 [console, PM, DLL]),
Virtual Pascal v2.0 (Win32, OS/2)
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Kim Kokkonen |
Упаковщик исполняемых EXE файлов.
Работает примерно так же, как ExePack и SpMaker.
PACK reduces the size of EXE files by packing the EXE header table
into a smaller structure. PACK works in a manner similar to EXEPACK
(from Microsoft) and SPMAKER (from Realia).
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Andres Cvitkovich |
Базовый модуль для сжатия и распаковки по методу Хаффмана.
Прилагается LZO.PAS - ООП интерфейс для модуля LZH.PAS.
Huffman Compression Engine (V0.26) w/TP interface for Atari ST/TT, IBM.
Included LZO.PAS - object-oriented interface for LZH.PAS
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Victor Shantar |
Две программы для сжатия и распаковки по методу Хаффмана.
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Unknown |
LH5 - Программа для сжатия и распаковки по методу LHArc 2.x
и Lempel-Ziv.
This code compress/decompress data using the same algorithm as LHArc 2.x.
It is roughly derived from the C source code of AR002 (a C version of a
subset of LHArc, written by Haruhiko Okomura).
The algorithm was created by Haruhiko Okomura and Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
LHArc uses a "percolating" update of its Lempel-Ziv structures.
If you use the percolating method, the compressor will run slightly faster,
using a little more memory, and will be slightly less efficient than the
standard method.
You can choose either method, and note that the decompressor is not
affected by this choice and is able to decompress data created by each one
of the compressors.
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MarshallSoft Comp. |
Библиотека для упаковки по методу LZW.
LZW Data Compression Library for Pascal.
It uses the LZW algorithm as published in research papers
by Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm is
probably the best generic compression
algorithm known today.
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Phil Burns |
Программы для упаковки и распаковки по методу LZW.
PIBLZW contains two Turbo Pascal v4.0 programs which implement
the Lempel-Zev-Welch (LZW) compression technique.
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R.P.Byrne |
Программа для упаковки нескольких файлов в ZIP архив по методу
Compress a set of input files into a Zip file using Lempel-Ziv-Welch
(LZW) compression techniques (the "shrink" method).
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Paul Peterson |
Объектно-ориентированный модуль для упаковки ZIP архивов.
Позволяет упаковывать несколько файлов и добавлять файлы в
уже существующий архив.
ZIP Compression object. Based on Shrink.Pas v1.2
by R.P.Byrne.
Compress using Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression techniques ("shrink").
There are two main ways to use this object:
zip a set of files or add files to a zip until it reaches
a desired size.
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Tom Guinther |
Модуль и программа для считывания списка файлов в ZIP архиве.
ZIPPER.PAS - simplified routines for manipulating central
directory entries within ZIP files.
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Gerhard Hoogterp |
Объектно-ориентированный инструмент для просмотра
заголовков архивированных файлов. Поддерживает форматы
ARJ, Pkzip, Squeeze, HYPER, DWC, ZOO, ARC, ARC7, PAK, LHarc,
LHA, LA, ICE, RAR, SIT. Компилируется TP7, VP1, SP1.
CompSys is an toolbox for examining compressed files.
Using it, you can look into compressed files for the contained
filenames, check for security envelopes (if available) check out
selfextractors and even a Mac compressed fileformat!
Compatible with SpeedPascal 1.0, VirtualPascal 1.0 and TurboPascal.
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fPrint UK |
Virtual Pascal Examples. RAR archive unpacker.
Original version (C) 1994-95 Eugene Roshal.
Converted to VP1.0 1995 by fPrint UK Ltd.
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