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   Графические Игры    >>    arkanoid
 Arkanoid 1.02 - Classic Game in Mode $13   Claudio Bazzan 07.07.1995

Замечательная графическая игра "Арканоид". Поддержка мышки и Sound Blaster. К сожалению, комментарии в исходниках на итальянском языке.
Arkanoid game program has the source code written in pascal all commented in Italian. You can simply figure out the meaning from the identifiers that are in English. Based on BGI graphics.


Arkanoid ======= Sorry, the program has the source code written in pascal all commented in Italian. This beacuse I developed this program for the university and of course I write comments in my mother language. I hope you can figure out the meaning from the identifiers that are in English. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ђђђђђђ ђђђђ ђђђђђђ ђђ ђђ ђђђђђ ђђ ђђђђђ ђђ ђђ ђђђђђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђђђђђ ђђђђђ ђђђђ ђђђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђђђђђ ђђ ђђ ђђђ ђђ ђђ ђђ ђђђђђ ђђђђђђ ђђђђђ ђђђђ ђђђђђђ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Team ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This game was made by the dark-cloud team, and downloaded from http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/1595 if u have any problems, or sources u want to donate, please e-mail us at dark-cloud@geocities. Visit Us For More GAME SOURCES and INFO and Fun And More. (our page is under construction for most of the time). Bye.