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Алексей Ванеев |
Старая графическая игра "Lode Runner"
 178k |
Дмитрий Пархотик |
Программа запускает PENTIX и играет в него автоматически
сама без участия человека.
 18k |
Николай Сумароков |
This is merely old game like SNAKE for PC &
 59k |
Василий Рабец |
Программа проигрывает на спикере мелодию
"В лесу родилась елочка" на фоне зимнего пейзажа
 42k |
Alexander Boychenko |
Игра KOLUMNZ в графическом режиме
 50k |
Mudbutt |
Minesweeper for DOS!
The DOS version of the popular Windows game
of mind-bending logic. EGA/VGA, Pascal
source code included.
 9k |
Pavel Anokhin |
Простая графическая игрушка. Надо расстреливать все,
что валится сверху :)
 6k |
Pavel Anokhin |
Графическая игрушка в стиле Sokoban
 228k |
Pavel Anokhin |
Простая графическая игра в стиле Героев Магии и Меча II.
В качестве объектов - компьютеры и хакеры. Русская версия.
 20k |
Andrew Stroganov |
Это простенькая 3D ходилка-бродилка в стиле Wolf3D
 15k |
Thomas Brewster |
The sources for the article "Modelling Flight" by Thomas Brewster
(April 1990 of _IEEE_potentials_).
This program draw a pilot control panel that indicates
all the flight parameters. Required: GRAPH.TPU and EGAVGA.BGI driver.
 9k |
Claudio Bazzan |
Замечательная графическая игра "Арканоид".
Поддержка мышки и Sound Blaster.
К сожалению, комментарии в исходниках на итальянском языке.
Arkanoid game program has the source code
written in pascal all commented in Italian.
You can simply figure out the meaning
from the identifiers that are in English.
Based on BGI graphics.
 69k |
Dark-Cloud Team |
Popular graphical Digger game by dark-cloud team.
Based on GamePro graphics by dark-cloud.
10 levels and internal HSC player.
Графическая игрушка ДИГГЕР. 10 уровней,
фоновая музыка и звуковые эффекты для Sound Blaster.
 186k |
Solar Designer |
Игра "Удавчик" для SVGA и Sound Blaster.
Endless Snake Game V1.0 BETA by Solar Designer \ BPC.
SVGA graphics, funny sound effects and messages.
 124k |
Jason Nunn |
Fringdus is a game like old C-64 "Paradroid" but incomplete :-(.
It has the same scrolling effect of the graphics as Paradroid.
It looks really good!, As you operate
the key-pad keys, it looks like the "ground floor" is moving
very smooth under you.
 41k |
Enrique Sanchez Martinez |
Games Factory Pack 3.1 is a great tutorial and tools for building
your own VGA/SVGA games with SVGA.BGI. It consist of:
Map editor for GAMES
Sprite Editor and animator
All the documentation in English and Spanish in order to PROGRAM
with BITMAPS or sprites
Examples in Turbo Pascal, C, ASM
A great bookstore of sprites
and Utilities that they help you to work
with the graphs of your PROGRAMS
 563k |
Dark-Cloud Team |
2-х мерная графическая игра. Танкетка ездит по полю,
на котором расположены препятствия, мины, сюрпризы и
вражеские орудия. Управление движением самой танкетки
и орудийной башни - раздельное. Танкетка управляется
с помощью клавиш, а поворот орудийной башни и стрельба -
с помощью мыши.
A great game for mode $13 by dark-cloud,
powered by GMS - Great Map Scroller Engine by dark-cloud 1997,
and GamePro v2.41 Unit by Ariel Keselman 1995,96.
Additionally included: Level Editor
and Sprite Editor (16x16, 32x32).
 108k |
Dark-Cloud Team |
Графическая игрушка "МИНЕР" 320x200x256.
Используется HSC плэйер для музыки через Sound Blaster.
Program MINE is the classic MineSweepper.
Based on GamePro 2.41 by Ariel Keselman 1995,96.
Used AdvHsc - advanced HSC player. Picture editor inluded.
 29k |
Sohrab Ismail-Beigi |
Gravity Wars is a two-player game.
The players choose ships and
try to shoot down each other by specifying angles
and initial velocities for the missiles.
Missiles move under the gravitational fields of the
various planets in the Gravity Wars universe.
EGAVGA.BGI required.
 39k |
Robert Schmidt |
The Hunchback game ought to be a well known to owners of
Commodore and BBC computers, and now the ultimate version
of this popular game is available for your IBM compatible PC.
The scene is simple: The beautiful princess Esmeralda is held captured
in a tower of the Notre Dame Cathedral.
You play the role of Quasimodo, easy reckognized on his hunchback,
as he attempts the rescue.
But who said life was easy? The guards are doing their best
to prevent you from reaching your goal, by firing arrows and cannon-balls,
and by stabbing you with spears.
Throw yourself over the gaping pit with the rope and ring the bell
to move on to the next wall.
Required: GRAPH.TPU and GRAPH3.TPU
 88k |
Larry Eckelkamp |
Графическая игра "ЖИЗНЬ" в 3-х измерениях.
Можно закомментировать следующую строчку в самом начале
главной программы:
if RegisterBGIDriver(@EGAVGADriverProc) < 0 then halt;
A program to play John Conway's Life in three dimensions.
Based on BGI graphics.
 8k |
Paul H. Kahler |
Простая космическая стрелялка.
Наш звездолет должен уничтожить все летающие вокруг
метеориты и вражеские корабли. Используется BGI - графика
и звуковые эффекты на PC Speaker
Our space ship have to destroy all the rocks
and enemies ships. BGI graphics.
 16k |
Peter Radics |
Графический ТЕТРИС. BGI графика.
Управляющие клавиши: Left, Right, Up, Down, ESC
Graphic Tetris Game. BGI graphics. Tested on TP 6.0 - works correct.
 2k |
Robert Schmidt |
"Space Adventure" is a conversion of an even
older favourite game on the BBC 'B' Micro, published by Virgin.
Required: GRAPH.TPU and GRAPH3.TPU
 113k |
Vadim Bodrov |
This game was written on TMT Pascal (Win32 target).
 165k |
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