Две утилиты для ассемблирования и дизассемблирования
inline-кодов для Turbo Pascal.
INLINE is an assembler designed to produce Inline 8086/8088
and 8087 code for Turbo Pascal v3, 4 and 5 and Turbo
C v2.x programs. Like other assemblers, INLINE
accepts as input an assembly language source file and produces an
object file. However, in this case, the 'object' file is an
ASCII file consisting of Inline statements which may be inserted
into the Pascal or C program.
UNINLINE is a disassembler which accepts an 'object' file
consisting of Turbo Pascal Inline statements and produces an
assembly language source file. The source file may then be
modified and reassembled to Inline statements using INLINE.EXE.
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