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TMT Pascal Language Description

Pascal Language Structure

Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLL's)Using DLL's
Targets: OS/2, Win32
TMT Pascal provides three ways to import procedures and functions:
By new name:
When a procedure or function is imported with a name clause specified,
it is imported by a different name than its identifier.
By index:
When a procedure or function is imported with an index clause specified,
it is imported by an ordinal (i.e. a given index).
By name:
When a procedure or function is imported with no index or name
clause specified, it is imported explicitly by it's identifier name.
This external declaration imports the function ExitProcess from the system DLL
called KERNEL32 (the Windows 32 kernel):
procedure ExitProcess conv arg_stdcall (uExitCode: DWORD);
external kernel32dll name 'ExitProcess';
This example program imports ArcCos and ArcSin functions from the DLL called
ARCs (see Writing DLLs):
program TestDLL;
ARCs = 'arcs.dll';
// import by name
{$ifdef __WIN32__}
function ArcCos conv arg_stdcall (X: Extended): Extended;
external ARCs name 'ArcCos';
function ArcCos conv arg_os2 (X: Extended): Extended;
external ARCs name 'ArcCos';
// import by index
{$ifdef __WIN32__}
function ArcSin conv arg_stdcall (X: Extended): Extended;
external ARCs index 1;
{ $else}
function ArcSin conv arg_os2 (X: Extended): Extended;
external ARCs index 1;
var Arg: Extended;
Write('Argument ? ');
if (Arg < -1) or (Arg > 1) then
Writeln('Argument must be in range: [-1..1]');
until (Arg >= -1) and (Arg <= 1);
Writeln('ArcCos(', Fls(Arg), ') = ', Fls(ArcCos(Arg)));
Writeln('ArcSin(', Fls(Arg), ') = ', Fls(ArcSin(Arg)));
About DLL's |
Table of Content |
Writing DLL's |
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