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TMT Pascal Language Description

Pascal Language Structure

Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLL's)Writing DLL's
Targets: OS/2, Win32
The structure of a TMT Pascal DLL is identical to that of a program,
except that a DLL starts with a library header (Library) instead of
a program header (Program).
All procedures and functions which to be exported by a DLL, must be compiled
with the export procedure directive.
If you want your DLL to be available to applications written in other
languages, it’s safest to specify arg_stdcall calling convention
in the declarations of exported functions. Other languages may not support
TMT Pascal’s default register calling convention.
// This implements a very simple DLL
// with two exported functions:
library ARCs;
// The export procedure directive prepares ArcCos
// and ArcSin for exporting
uses Math;
{$ifdef __WIN32__}
function ArcCos conv arg_stdcall (X: Extended): Extended;
function ArcCos conv arg_os2 (X: Extended): Extended;
Result := RadToDeg(ArcTan2(Sqrt(1 - X * X), X));
{$ifdef __WIN32__}
function ArcSin conv arg_stdcall ( X: Extended): Extended;
function ArcSin conv arg_os2 ( X: Extended): Extended;
Result := RadToDeg(ArcTan2(X, Sqrt(1 - X * X)));
// The exports clause actually exports the two routines,
// supplying an optional ordinal number for each of them
ArcCos name 'ArcCos', // export by name
ArcSin index 1; // export by index
// Do nothing
Using DLL's |
Table of Content |
Global variables in DLL's |
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